About Me

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In 2011 I married my college sweetheart and we moved to the big city of Atlanta.I'm an attorney & my husband is in sales & serves in the Georgia Guard. This is a little snipet of our story.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love My Little Brother

I was happy to spend Easter weekend in South Carolina with the family. It was a quick trip, but well worth it! I spent Saturday afternoon with Mom, Anna, Ashley & Ms. Cindy looking at bridesmaid dresses in Greenville - so thankful for their help! Then I headed to Greenwood to see the family.
I am constantly amazed at how quickly my little brother Reynolds is growing up! He is becoming such a handsome young man and he's such a sweet brother. We're 10 years apart, but we're best buds. Reynolds always asks how the wedding plans are coming along and he always has great ideas. I can't wait to see him in a tuxedo on the big day!
I can still remember when Reynolds was this age.

Now he's so grown up.
I'm thankful to be blessed with 3 precious siblings.
- A proud big sister.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday

The sermon at the Maundy Thursday service this evening was really powerful, and explained more about the passage in John where Jesus washed the disciples' feet.  For some reason I always thought "maundy" somehow meant mourning. What I found out is that maundy roughly translates to mandate or command. That makes much more sense. Maundy Thursday is the day set aside to remember the Last Supper & the mandate that Christ gave us to, "Love one another, as I have loved you." 
It is moving (and honestly a bit uncomfortable) to see the black cloth draped across the alter in the church with the crown of thorns sitting there. It's a very visible reminder of the tremendous sacrifice Christ made for us.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Secret Garden

Many of you have heard about my carriage house in Macon that I affectionately refer to as my "hobbit hole." It is perfectly situated in the garden behind the big house and this is what I get to see each day. I am blessed to live with folks that have huge hearts and green thumbs. Byrd & Tyler work tirelessly in this garden each day and it is simply breathtaking. Each morning I'm so excited to see what's blooming.

Peonies, Roses & Foxglove
 The coy fish are enormous! If you look to the left you can see my favorite one...the rainbow fish :)

 I really couldn't imagine a more beautiful place.

 Blueberries -->

First strawberry of the season!
Usually, the spotlight is on Bob the corgi. This is sweet Arthur.
 Today after work, Tyler & I planted a sweet banana pepper & two "mortgage buster" tomato plants I bought at the Farmer's Market. I'm going to do my best to keep them alive! The Macon Garden Tour is April 29-May 1. Come on down!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Last Fling for Jennifer

My dearest friend, Jennifer, is marrying her sweetheart in a few weeks and I couldn't be more excited! I met Jennifer during my first week of law school and she has been a blessing in my life ever since. This weekend, we celebrated her last "hoorah" as a single girl in Athens. Here are few edited pictures from her bachelorette party.
The lovely Bachelorette
 Megan, the maid of honor, made these awesome t-shirts. Here's Sarah & I modeling them proudly with our blinging rings.
After a delicious brunch, we all parted ways. It was such a treat to see good friends and celebrate sweet Jennifer. Best Wishes Jennifer; you'll be Mrs. Block so soon!!!