About Me

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In 2011 I married my college sweetheart and we moved to the big city of Atlanta.I'm an attorney & my husband is in sales & serves in the Georgia Guard. This is a little snipet of our story.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree

...or Pecan tree - that works too right?

I'm so excited because Matt is scheduled to return next week! I can hardly wait! No more Skype, or being a 3rd wheel at weddings with my couple friends, or eating alone at the bar at Outback (yes, I occasionally take myself out on a date). When I spoke with Matt, he asked me what our plans were for next weekend .... OUR plans for NEXT weekend!!!! It hardly seems believable that I will be seeing his sweet face so soon!

It's an old-fashioned tradition to put out a yellow ribbon to signify the homecoming of a loved one, and as you probably know, I'm a bit old-fashioned.  Plus, if you've ever heard the song, it's so endearing. For a good throwback to the '70s, and to hear the sweet song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjqBhZj_37U.


  1. Love all the Wonderful NEXT's you've got coming up with Matt! You've been such a good sport! Cheers for yellow ribbons... it's about time you got to hang one up :)
